Initiative: Axara, Savin, enemies, [action stopped here], Ryxikor, Rayen, Maesyn, Quill

Rayen moves 5 feet to get a line of sight and unleashes her acid breath on the shadar-kai. Due to his agility, he easily avoid half of the acid.

Maesyn summons a celestial riding dog which he informs to attack the shadar-kai and removes its gal-ralan. Against all odds, the dog succeeds. The shadar-kai tries to stay on this plane but the pull of plane of shadows is too strong and the shadar-kai disappears, equipment and all.

Quill dismisses the wall and moves closer to the door entrance. He starts an incantation which creates a web inside the keep. Only L2 is capable of staying intangle.

Axara moves behind Savin and touches him with her wand, partially healing his wounds.

Savin: +9 HP - Currently at 21/46 + Rage Temp (10) HP

Savin has difficulty but succeeds in his effort to avoid becoming paralyzed. He tries to trip the shadow slain in from of him but the undead resists, thanks to the energy Savin used to avoid becoming paralyzed.

A shadowslain moves 5 feet away from the door and tries to claw and bite Savin. He succeeds with only one claw and its bite.

Another shadowslain in entangle but can still try to claw and bite Savin. It succeeds with both claws.

Another shadowslain is entangle and tries to free himself. It fails miserably.

Savin is only standing because of his rage. His body is covered in blood and for any other man, it would have mean going down

The shadow slain in front of the door tries to open it but fails to do so because of Savin strength.

The woman in full plate armor tries to free herself. She fails miserably.

Savin: -5 HP - 3 HP –6 HP -7HP – Currently at 0/46 + Rage Temp (10) HP

+1 to melee damages - Rayen Aura
Bless: +1 to attack and Saves round 1/50