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Thread: [Nexus] Outside XXXIV

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Dallas, TX

    Default Re: [Nexus] Outside XXXIV

    After August finishes polishing his armor, he looks up at the apple tree, licking his lips hungrily. It had been so many days since he ran out of trail rations, he'd come to ignore the growling in his stomach by now. But those apples were starting to look painfully delicious. After pushing himself to a stand, he pops up on his tiptoes and plucks the closest apple from the tree and takes a bite. After a few short seconds of gnawing, he's reduced the thing to core and seeds. Eagerly, he hops up to grab the next apple. He keeps repeating this until he's eaten about a half dozen of them. Sitting, self satisfied, and stuffed, August smiles sleepily and drifts off again in the afternoon sun.

    The other person in the Exile story seems to have drifted away, leaving me sort of adrift in Outside. If anyone wants to interact with August, please do. He now needs a reason to exist.
    Last edited by inexorabletruth; 2013-02-15 at 01:43 AM.
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