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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: IC Knee Deep Iv.Shiny's Quest for the Giant's Stone

    Valen stands, still as stone as the Gnome divulges his plan...

    "You take great risk gnome, and that is admirable. Our place is here. I wish you luck, what you have to face is both a daunting and difficult task. Good speed, Trickster of a Thousand Surprises."

    Valen proceeds to quickly hand over the rod, "Know that if I do not collect this, of your corpse is risen again, it will be missing a finger.". Valen uncharacteristically winks as if the big man old miss the small gnome.

    Valen also gives Shiny much of his provisions, all of his food, his rope, and any other things that would prove useful to the Gnome.

    Maybe Shiny should leave the wand?
    Last edited by Zman; 2013-02-15 at 05:07 PM.