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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: IC Knee Deep Iv.Shiny's Quest for the Giant's Stone

    Once Shiny is at a safe distance and the spiders have lost interest, he tries to heal his severe wounds. Since he's alone and in a dangerous environment, he says his fake clerical incantation to Vecna, Master of the Spider Throne, only under his breath.


    I assume he has time to get a couple of spells in, though he keeps an eye on his surroundings as best he can and will stop if interrupted- he keeps casting until he is fully healed.

    UMD: (1d20+10)[24] Heal: (1d8+1)[6]
    UMD: (1d20+10)[25] Heal: (1d8+1)[3]
    UMD: (1d20+10)[19] Heal: (1d8+1)[6]
    UMD: (1d20+10)[21] Heal: (1d8+1)[8]
    UMD: (1d20+10)[26] Heal: (1d8+1)[2]
    UMD: (1d20+10)[25] Heal: (1d8+1)[7]
    UMD: (1d20+10)[28] Heal: (1d8+1)[5]

    Unless I am mistaken, that takes three charges in four rounds to get to full.

    Once he is finished, he continues his journey, uninjured but more nervous than before.
    Last edited by Admiral; 2013-02-17 at 11:37 AM.
    Thanks to CoffeeIncluded for the avatar of Shiny, from the Eldgar campaign:

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