
For Dusk Eclipse, genderbent..

For Thattaman, also genderbent.

And Thattaman, normal mode:


This last one is somewhat special, as it is the very first avatar I made with SAI, mostly with a mouse.

No one's ever commented on how I draw hair. Is it alright, or do I need to work on it?

Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post
Nice art Kurien. It's really enyoyable to see how your chars get that shape.

Newest art from me:
Thanks Zefir. Very nice avvie, just the perfect choice of colours. It reminds of that frost archer hero from LOL.

asdflove: Are all the names in your pantheon just made up with what sounds fitting, or is there some deeper etymology at work here? It's nice to see that you took my suggestion for Henia's portfolio and rolled with it to form an entire family of emotions incarnate.

The skull ornament on the devil-kitty seems too small to be visible at avatar size. Maybe reduce it to a simple red bow, and then have the skull as a larger white fur shaped patch on its hindquarters... a "cutie mark," if you will?

And, is it Easter time already?

AddZable: your nightcreep definitely pushes the creep factor, but without the large ears characteristic of the Giant's goblins, it looks more like a mutated orc.

Kymme: Now that I noticed the windmill, I see the Don Quixote connection. The 17th century isn't quite ancient times though.

Gnomish: For the Paladin, I can't help but feel that I've seen that hair style before... probably in some anime or video game art.

I think the Xenomorph would work better as an avatar if it was proportioned more like a standard OotS character. I would also exaggerate the size of its claws, make them seem really vicious.