
As you kneel down, the guard that had previously stepped out, returns; out of breath and holding what looks like a white-hot iron. The iron bears a simple 'X' on the end you can see the heat emanating from it in small waves. The Guard promptly hands it to the Captain who firms up his stance as the bandit wriggles under his boot. In a sneering voice, the Captain calls out:

“Alright now; hold still!”

The robber screams in anticipation:

“No please! AGGGHHHH!!”

The sound of flesh popping and sizzling as the iron brand seared the back of the thief’s hand. His cries are almost drowned out by the sound and the smell is a sulfurous rancid stink that stings your nose, making your eyes water. His agony seems to go on for an age, but as soon as it ends, he is swept up onto his feet and escorted outside by two guards.

The Captain hands off the brand to the guard who brought it and motions to the mangled bodies:

“Clean these wretches off my floor! Get a crew in here to do so before they stain the floor!”

Out the window in the street; you can hear the guards tossing the bandit back into the road from where he came:

“Let that be a lesson to ye!” One shouts.

“Next time we won't be so forgiving!” The other spits.

The Captain then turns his attention to you;

“Ahh, Sergeant Dreylyn, thanks for your help. It's always such a pleasure to see you. I had intended to speak to you about this later, but since your here; would you accompany me to dinner? I would like to discuss an important and lucrative job opportunity with you. Would you care to meet me in the Banquet hall at six tonight?”


Aldo gives you a conniving glare.

“Ahh, I see. No wonder you coordinate most of the heists! Well, I better be off! I'll do what I can to get the waxes you requested! “

In a blur, Aldo zips out the door and out of sight, leaving you to your plans until he arrives with the supplies you've requested...


Turning back to the street, you again spot what looks like your lizard, walking down the infinite stretch of road and into the fog. As you continue further on, it seems as though the creature is slinking toward a silhouette with outstretched arms. It takes an eternity, but before you realize it you are upon what you can barely make out as Ferasi the town 'Witch'. Slung around her neck is your monitor lizard, and as you look on the road seems to almost stretch toward you, bringing Fearsi close in moments.

You see she is saying something to you. You can hear her words, but they don't seem to make sense. She continues to speak in an incomprehensible murmur. As you strain to understand her; you lizard looks to you and speaks in an eloquent, sophisticated voice:

“Don't you think you should be waking up right about now?”

The words ring loudly in your head and before you can answer, your world fragments into shards around you. As memories fade from what's almost like another lifetime; you find yourself drenched in a cold sweat, lying in bed within your cozy hut. The wind-chimes outside can be heard clinking gently among the sound of a waking town about to start the day. Your monitor lizard sits sprawled out on the floor sunning itself in the morning light that streams in through the east window.

It looks to you and yawns lazily...