Malack's Protection from Daylight comment got me thinking: How are the hallways in that pyramid lighted? There are no torches anywhere. Torches would make little sense anyway, since the Draketooths have been dead for ages.
Durkon has Darkvision, but from earlier strips we know that that gets a specific animation in the comic when he switches it on. All the other party members don't seem to have trouble seeing things. The shadows seem to be cast from a light source above the hallways. But unless some of those hallways are much higher than the ceiling was drawn, I doubt it's from really high torches either. I hope that this isn't just a "plot-powered" light source.
So, maybe there's a source of reflected/refracted sunlight in each hallway, which lights things from above. I don't want to be nitpicky here, but it may be relevant in the future. Malack may have a spell that protects him from the damage by sunlight, but does he still get any penalties to his abilities? What if his protection spell were to be dispelled?