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Thread: So, Malack...

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: So, Malack...

    Quote Originally Posted by 2323mike View Post
    I meant, providing Redcloak would have no reason to fear Xykon at that point. Imagine Redcloak dying and going to goblin afterlife where some dead buddy asks him to describe Xykon. I mean, there would be a lot of expressive wording involved, but I don't think Readloak would ever use the term "fool".
    ...Agh. Are you deliberately dodging?

    Again: Tarquin is Malack's friend, peer, equal and party leader. Xykon is Redcloak's slavemaster and sadistic torturer. There is no comparison here. Malack describing Tarquin as a "fool" does imply that Tarquin does nothing Malack finds sufficiently vile to be more important than the way his silly behavior annoys Malack; why on earth is that showing up in a defense of Malack's moral sense, rather than in an argument that Malack is comparably evil to Tarquin himself?
    Last edited by Kish; 2013-02-27 at 07:48 AM.