Delphinia & Nolan

Sitting in quiet meditation after getting the few hours of sleep he needed, Nolan waits for Nyssa to wake before joining the others downstairs.Waking up to find an extra blanket over her body, Delphinia smiles slightly. She sits up quietly, trying very hard to not wake Nyssa or Nolan.

Of course, Nolan isn't sleeping, and he can hear Delphinia's joints pop as she stretches. After stretching, she sits there for a bit, reluctant to leave the warmth of the blankets.

"Are you waiting for her," Nolan whispers.

Delphinia shakes her head with a grin, then realizes that it's dark enough he can't see. "Nah, just don't want to get up. It's warm in here," she whispers back.

Neither having anything else to say, they both sit silently in the darkness until Nyssa opens her mouth.