Hi guys! Ive been a fan of the Order of the Stick for a long time. I even did a series of paper miniatures based on the stick figure idea I saw so cunningly used on the Order.

So I finally come to get on the forums and say howdy.
I'm a player and GM of role playing games. I was a truck driver for a decade or so, but my back is out so I'm pretty much just me now, which is a Dad of three and husband to the most wonderful woman I could never deserve. I am in recovery from food addiction, and have by the 12 step program gone from 373# in August 2011 to 225# on the first of March.

I am running a Star Wars/ Dungeon World hack called Star Worlds, available from the author's blog Here and free, this Saturday for a group I am new to. I am into the small, preferably free games one can find here and there on the web. My latest finds are Star Worlds, Dungeon World (maybe-- I ain't bought it yet) and Michtim: Fluffy Adventures.