James Dunwell

Age: 38 (but in the Soul Society 62)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 245 lb.
Station: Unseated Trooper of the Combat Squad's "which ever"

Dressed as any other tropper except wears a dull grey breast plate, of which the engraving resembles swirls of smoke. Also wears a old and tattered WW2 officier great coat over his robes, its edges are signed and ashes seem to constanatly fall from it yet never reach the ground. A officers cap sits nestled in his brun hair. A matching sash goes around his waist and over the coat and hold the scabard to a ww2 one handed battle sword.

Very open and honest, and constantly offering advice to those who look younger than him. Will often disappear and pop up in odd areas since he constantly wandrs about the Soul Society as he is constantly learning all there is to it. In a fight he will stick to it until he is either the last man alive, or all others have retreated. this is due to his view of it being his responsibility to graud the troops retreat or postion on the field.

An united staes artillery serget in ww2, he died after one of his officers misshandled a round and set if off. Befor he had died he served as a architect in japan and was learning greatly about their culture and history, but after pearl harbor all u.s. citizens were called back. Yet the day befor he left to go for the station a robed figure touched his shoulder and said "I will be seeing you soon" and disappeared. Moments after his death the same figured appeared above him as he laid dying and reached for him. As his soul stood up from his body he looked about and for the frist time saw hallows being destroyed by those he would later learn to be shinigami of "the pack".

Story So Far:
Nothing yet


His ability of dueling with the sword surpasses many, but his strength and speed are below that of a average Shinigami, but ever since his death both his eyesight and reflexes surpass many in his unit (besides kiba). His shupo very short range (no more then 15 feet at a time), but takes him a moment to use. The only thing though he must frist take a step in the desired diecrtion and can only move in a stright line (but may angle rise or desecnt). This though can allow him to move very rapidly across the field that to him is a walking pace. As to kidou his lends only to physical enhancment and binding. His Hakuda is able to keep up with other fighters easly, even up to exchanging blows with the vice captain for a time. Problem is that it is very similar to greco style wrestleing and some odd bit of boxing, putting him at a disadvantege agaisnt those who are stronger or use thier kicks. Overall he is very good at hding his reitsu from his oppenets, allowing him to step up long range to close range ambushes. His biggest strength though is manipulatiing combat situations through strategy.

Zanpakuto: "Watchful Guardian" 油断ガーディアン
Description: A ebony sheath encases a two foot blade the ends in a bronze plated handle and leather grip. Both are well worn and the engravings almost gone but the blade is still sharp as ever.

Spirit: A swirl of fire, ashes, and darkness that constantly shifting its shape, but when it talks or fights it has the upper torso of a feminine angel like being made of of ashes with flicks of fire acting as hiar and lagre wings. while the lower is that of a long gown formed of some sort of cloth stained black.
Inner World: A deserted wasteland covered in trenches going hundreds of feet deep, bear untold amount of phantasms in the shapes of soliders constantly at war with one another fromevery era immaginable. Yet never a sound is heard except for the constant wind.

Shikai: Rise from the Ashes
The blade erupts in to flames and the whole weapon turns to dust. this then swirls about James and latches onto his coat and creates fine gloves upon his hands. heat seems to radiate off him and the coat now has a trail of sparks him as he moves.

Armored: The cloak and gloves are extremely strong and provides great amount of physical protection, and to a good extent is fire proof.
Disperse: He can at will disperse his body as ashes, but when in that form can only move slow and is easily damaged by the wind or water, and is no longer considered armored.
Erupt: At a touch he can cause a non living objest to get super heated and then explode at a set time (no longer then a 1 minute delay). He can only traget an unattended non-Zanpakuto object up to the size of a average door and below.The larger the object then longer it take to heat up to point of explosion, but also is more powerful. Example a handful of pebbles would take seconds to heat up and the explosion would be equivalent to cherry bombs, while a door would take a minute, but the explosion would be he equivalent to a car bomb.
Bombard: Allows him to shot patches of silver fire that cause an object to erupt as described above (decides how long it takes to set of before he shots, bigger round take longer to make and longer to fully charge and object). Then range for this is hundreds of feet but while launching his coat extends and forms to the shape of a barrel held by his hands while kneeling from his the top of his shoulder. while in this state he is extremely heavy and hard to move and is still considered armored as above.

Bankai (locked): Bear witness to tears from a world torn asunder and a sorrow never-ending.
Same as above but now he has a signal gold ring on his right hand and were ever he walks flame erupts around him. Also now on his back is 3 sets of flaming wings that can be utilized as weapons

Increase the speed at which he can use the powers noted in Shikai and their strength is doubled. Also he gains the Fallowing abilities.

Arise and lay waste:Causes the corpses of the dead to rise as flaming corpses under his command in a mile wide radius. Each is at the strength of a standard unseated soul reaper and have the erupt ability. They can also apply erupt abilities to themselves and detonate on command.
Perish and find peace: Raising his hand bearing the ring a signal beam of pure white light (width of his finger) vaporizes anything it passes through to the range of ...?