Hello Everyone!

I am pretty new to the D&D world. My DM is a very good friend of mine who has been talking about OOTS for years. I found it online recently and read the whole comic in about a week! Funnily enough, I recognized a lot of our adventures looking incredibly similar to the encounters the Order of the Stick face. (maybe he didn't think we'd know about it)

I am excited to join this forum as a new avenue to connect with people who enjoy the things that I enjoy. I may ask some clarifying questions of rules and things relating to D&D 3.5, or ask for a translation on terms I may not understand (My DM said: "Well, they'll be using a lot of terms you don't necessarily know yet, like Point Buy and LA buy off", and he's right) so thanks in advance for being patient.

Thank you for welcoming me into the playground!