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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Madness, Blood and Thunder in Ravens Bluff Thread 2

    Denied his primary target and momentarily poisoned, Alaister dances around the wrackspawn, ducking under its weapon and drawing his sword as he spins around into a vicious cut.

    Aya frowns as Sorrow briefly leaves her sight, abandoning stealth to take a step to the side. Her bow appears in her hand, a few sparks flashing as the spell she cast arcs from glove to dragonbone to metal. "No escaping today, Sorrow. This is your time," she whispers, faith in her Lady and herself leaving no room for doubt in the arrow's path.

    Alaister at 32/49. 5ft step to K16, draw sword, Rabid Wolf Strike W with IP.
    Attack: (1d20+8)[28]
    Damage: (1d8+6)[10] + (2d6)[6] (Edit: -2, forgot sickened here)

    Aya stands up, 5ft steps to L25 and shoots Sorrow with a dragonsbreath, Fate Card for a 15.
    Attack: 26
    Damage: (3d6+9)[19] + 3 fire + 3 electricity, DC15 Reflex or catch fire for (1d6)[5]
    Last edited by Sallera; 2013-03-08 at 02:05 PM.
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