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    Titan in the Playground
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    Heidelberg, Germany

    Default Re: Madness, Blood and Thunder in Ravens Bluff Thread 2

    His sudden invisibility may protect Black Sorrow from Jorran's blade, but when Cael's bladder reveals his outline Aya's arrow has no trouble finding him, scoring a deep wound on his chest. He gasps, breaking off the shaft of the arrow with a quick motion before delivering a swift blow to Mirielle when she presents an opening. The monk pursues Cael, stepping inside his guard and trying to sweep him from his feet before knocking the ripper out of his hands, positioning himself to make it difficult for Jorran to scale the grate. The Wrackspawn took a solid hit from Alaister, but fights back uncaring with bonespear and a misshapen claw. Stavra focuses on Mirielle, wrapping the strands of the scourge around her arm. Thin flames dance over the metal coils, but the pain Mirielle registers is far too intense to be caused just by that, and it drains away her strength. "See what your god has wrought. That thing was once one of the Faithless. Years of torture have turned the poor soul into this. That's what pain can inflict, and you just wronged its mistress."


    Sorry about the 'Cael's bladder' part. Had to.

    Touch attack on Mirielle (1d20+7)[20]
    on hit, 1 fire damage, and DC 16 Will or cursed(-6 strength).
    Alaister, Mirielle, Cael and Jorran need a DC 15 Will save or be Shaken for 1 minute. Dreadful Wrath is fun.

    W attacks Alaister
    (1d20+8)[26] (1d6+4)[8] Pain (2d6)[5]
    Claw [roll]1d20+3[roll] (2d4+2)[6]

    B tries to trip Cael
    Touch - (1d20+8)[26] Trip - (1d20+8)[16]
    Touch - (1d20+8)[20] Trip - (1d20+8)[14]

    Improved Trip bonus attack (1d20+8)[27] damage - (2d6+5)[10]
    second attack, if first trips successfully (1d20+8)[28] damage - (2d6+5)[8]

    Disarm attempt (1d20+16)[22]
    Last edited by TheFallenOne; 2013-03-08 at 06:58 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff the Green View Post
    Actually, when you first put up the post where the gazebo started trying to eat us, I assumed you were pulling our legs and you'd put up the real post soon enough.