"You know, Eirik, goblin songs are pretty catchy. I think this excursion will be a fine learning experience for you. A real chance to hone your craft under the tutelage of your betters. Just be careful not to ask them for 'pointers' directly. The little buggers can be a bit enthusiastic when it comes to stabbing things." Ameiko fires off as she disappears into the back to fetch an arm load of food for the table

Sandru, finally cleaning himself off with an old handkerchief, gives Theodore a reproachful look (at least as much of one as he can muster while picking glaze and crumbs from his hair), "about time that we went trudging through the stinking muck after vermin and spare change? I know that *you* are short on cash, Theodore, but some of us have actual business to conduct. I'm sure Ameiko feels the same. At least until something truly interesting comes along..." He trails off as he sips his kahve.

Shalelu, for her part, seems all too eager to discuss the matter of killing goblins. If rumors hold true, it's both her profession and favorite pastime. She picks up her drink and half-eaten pastry and joins the burgeoning table of would-be bounty hunters. "I've a few moments to talk before my appointment with Sheriff Hemlock, what do you want to know?" She asks, as Ameiko emerges from the back with platters of sizzling breakfast meats, soft-boiled eggs, and spiced potatoes.