Mirielle begins trembling—from the spreading fire, she hopes, not Larshon's threat—but the remnants of her protective magic protect her from being sapped of too much energy. Carefully she begins working the last of her Power, then steps to the side and touches Black Sorrow, hoping to sap some of his energy, then brings her quarterstaff down on him for good measure.

5-foot step: To L19.
Swift action: DMM quickened bestow curse on Black Sorrow. Cast defensive: (1d20+15)[32] Touch: (1d20+4)[15] Holding the charge if miss.
Standard action: Attack Black Sorrow (with curse if missed, with staff otherwise). (1d20+4)[12] (1d6+3)[7]

Curse is -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks.