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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice 23: Answer Unclear, Try Again

    Hi playground, first post here. Let me explain my quandary in a spoiler.

    I'm a college student, and a girl and I in one of my classes hit things off pretty well just after the new year. We sit together in tutorials and lectures, and my instinct says she is interested.

    I asked her out to a play this past wednesday. She seemed pleased with the offer and said sure, depending on her schedule. I sent her the details of the timing later that evening. Here's the conversation (edited for anonymity):

    My message:
    Hey [X]! I was right about the time of the show: it's at 8:00 this Friday, but getting there a bit in advance is probably a good idea, say 7:45 or so (last time I went, I was very close to being late!). Let me know if that's a good time for you, and best of luck with the [Event you're hosting] tomorrow!

    The next morning, her reply:
    Hi [Me],
    Hope you enjoyed the [event I was at] yesterday :)
    I had a sneaking suspicion that I had a commitment on Friday and
    unfortunately I do :( My dad is taking me to a dinner event and we've had
    it in the calendar for quite a while. I have been trying to figure out if I could reconcile it time-wise but unfortunately I just can't :(
    Thank you so much for the invite though. I really appreciate it and I would
    have really liked to go. :) If you ever have a spare play ticket again let
    me know!
    Thanks again :) Have a good weekend and see you Wednesday!

    I took that response not to be just a polite way of saying "no," because she specifically invited me to ask her out again. So I sent her this:

    Have a great evening with your dad, then! Thanks for trying to reconcile!
    [College we both attend] has no shortage of theatre that I'd like to see, so if you're not adverse, I can get us tickets for an upcoming show. I think [college theatre group] is putting on [play] soon, which could be fun. I understand that this is a busy time of year, though, so let me know.
    See you Wednesday, and enjoy your weekend!

    That was late Thursday morning. I've yet to hear back from her, and I know she's been on facebook (the communication method) at least once since then.

    I guess my question is: has anyone been in a situation similar to this before? I'm worried that I've somehow misread the situation. Playground, do you think I should be worried?
    Last edited by Malarky; 2013-03-09 at 04:21 PM.