Quote Originally Posted by Malarky View Post
Hi playground, first post here. Let me explain my quandary in a spoiler.

I'm a college student, and a girl and I in one of my classes hit things off pretty well just after the new year. We sit together in tutorials and lectures, and my instinct says she is interested.

I asked her out to a play this past wednesday. She seemed pleased with the offer and said sure, depending on her schedule. I sent her the details of the timing later that evening. Here's the conversation (edited for anonymity):

My message:
Hey [X]! I was right about the time of the show: it's at 8:00 this Friday, but getting there a bit in advance is probably a good idea, say 7:45 or so (last time I went, I was very close to being late!). Let me know if that's a good time for you, and best of luck with the [Event you're hosting] tomorrow!

The next morning, her reply:
Hi [Me],
Hope you enjoyed the [event I was at] yesterday :)
I had a sneaking suspicion that I had a commitment on Friday and
unfortunately I do :( My dad is taking me to a dinner event and we've had
it in the calendar for quite a while. I have been trying to figure out if I could reconcile it time-wise but unfortunately I just can't :(
Thank you so much for the invite though. I really appreciate it and I would
have really liked to go. :) If you ever have a spare play ticket again let
me know!
Thanks again :) Have a good weekend and see you Wednesday!

I took that response not to be just a polite way of saying "no," because she specifically invited me to ask her out again. So I sent her this:

Have a great evening with your dad, then! Thanks for trying to reconcile!
[College we both attend] has no shortage of theatre that I'd like to see, so if you're not adverse, I can get us tickets for an upcoming show. I think [college theatre group] is putting on [play] soon, which could be fun. I understand that this is a busy time of year, though, so let me know.
See you Wednesday, and enjoy your weekend!

That was late Thursday morning. I've yet to hear back from her, and I know she's been on facebook (the communication method) at least once since then.

I guess my question is: has anyone been in a situation similar to this before? I'm worried that I've somehow misread the situation. Playground, do you think I should be worried?
Yeah, unless the play you mentioned is coming up very soon, your message doesn't seem to need an immediate answer and she'll probably just see you on Wednesday like she and you said. She may or may not realize you're asking her out on a date but it's not a negative answer either.