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Thread: Bhaakon's Brinewall Legacy IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Bhaakon's Brinewall Legacy IC

    Shalelu adopts a wan smile as Theodore questions her skills, but the level-headed ranger doesn't take the prideful neophyte's barbs too seriously. "Yes, you are quite an expert at holding a bow. Not so much at loosing the arrow." She nods significantly at the pair of antlers mounted above the fireplace in the Dragon's dining hall, an impressive 14-point rack from the very animal she'd shot out from under Theodore.

    "Eirik is right, you will need all the daylight you can get with Theodore leading the hunt. With luck, the rest of you can keep him from stumbling into the maw of the soggy river monster and drag him back before sundown." She drains the last of her tea and pushes back from the table , "but I've a meeting with the sheriff. Perhaps I'll see you when you get back, and you can explain to me how a real tracker tells orcs from goblins." She departs, favoring Eirik with a polite fairwell nod.
    Last edited by Bhaakon; 2013-03-09 at 11:13 PM.