Quote Originally Posted by Adumbration View Post
I've been dating this girl for bit over a month now. I always used to get this warm and fuzzy feeling every time I saw her or talked with her, but for some reason it's been fading these past few weeks. I feel like the physical intimacy has overtaken the mental intimacy to the point I feel a bit uncomfortable about it. We try to talk - I mentioned to her I feel like we should talk more and she agreed - but it just feels so bloody awkward to force conversations, and they feel like they're not really leading anywhere.

I don't know. Is this normal? Is this a salvageable relationship? I'm really new to this stuff (despite being 22)...
Well... a month is still pretty early in the relationship. It's quite natural for the warm fuzzy feelings to fade after a bit, but they'll come back if you're right for each other. If you find that you truly don't share any interests beyond the physical, then it might be time to move on. But give it some time.

As for the conversation... it shouldn't be forced. If you want to talk, have a topic ready. If not, just let the conversation flow naturally and see where it goes. Whenever I've tried to force a conversation and I didn't have something specific in mind to talk about it usually ends up like this:

"Let's talk."
"What about?"
"I dunno. What do you wanna talk about?"
"Beats me."
*awkward silence*

It's still this way with my wife of 3 years, and I'm looking forward to 50 more. However, we're both the type of people who are perfectly fine with sitting together and not saying a word.

If you're worried about where the relationship is going, it may be time to have a talk about it. Maybe write down some open-ended questions about her (and your) goals and interests, to break the ice, and find out what you both want out of the relationship.

It also might be a good idea to go out and do some things together other than physical intimacy. I still go out on dates with my wife (or I would, if I wasn't deployed overseas ).