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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    US East

    Default Re: Madness, Blood and Thunder in Ravens Bluff Thread 2

    A ray of sparkling light streams from Cael's hand as he attempts to disrupt Larshon's casting. Unfortunately, in his haste to complete the spell on time, he fails to properly aim it, and the beam flies harmlessly over the Loviatan's head.

    With the wrackspawn's grisly disappearance and Sorrow's timely teleportation, Cael is certainly out of position now, if not in the way it had seemed only a moment before. Cursing in frustration, he moves back towards the grate, sending a trio of arcane bolts arcing over top as he sets his feet in preparation to follow them.

    Free action: 5-foot step to N18.

    Standard action: Magic missile at Larshon.
    Damage: (3d4+3)[7]

    Cael is now completely out of 1st and 2nd level spells
    Last edited by rypt; 2013-03-11 at 02:05 AM.