Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
*We all are - i think I keep changing it. But yes, that was a thing. That I forgot about.

Hay Bale stared at her, then pointed into the distance and yelled, Look! Celestia and Luna making out!! She then slammed the door and wall-crawled away at top speed.
(Honestly? For something like Hay Bale, it makes sense for her past to be multiple-choice. )

Copper, to his shame and the credit of the brandy, looked where she pointed and pricked his ears up eagerly.

Snow was less easily duped. "No, wait-" She reached out a hoof and started gaining altitude, but it was far, far too late. Maybe if Hay Bale only ate fast food for a month and did nothing but lounge about, then Snow might've had a hope of catching her. Alas, all she caught was the door. With her muzzle.

Muttering a few choice obscenities and nursing a nasty bruise, Snow returned to her seat in a huff. At Copper's nudging, she sighed and addressed Balboa. "...sorry about that, sir. It's not every day I get the chance to have what might be second subject pop in right under my nose. Now where were we?"