"Careful, sir," Marchande adds to the tail end of Charlotte's speech. "It's easy to get all worked up and say something you didn't think through when you've just woken up, haven't had your coffee yet, have to work with troublesome artists. But," she says, tapping her lips, "Angels have ears, sir. And angels have very, very high standards." She glances over her shoulder at the painting, which is still so very lifelike - why, one could almost imagine the angel stepping forth again. She shivers, to send a similar shiver down this minotaur's spine. "It might be best if my client and I left, to give you time to freshen up; we can meet again under better circumstances for everyone involved."

She pats one pocket with her free hand, shakes her head in manufactured disappointment, and says, "We'll swap business cards later. Until then!" She places her free hand on Charlotte's shoulder and begins, in the confident manner of someone who knows they own the room, to escort her out.