Heya guys!

With regards to the focus question...we should still use it, because focus covers all the grey areas of durations, effects, consciousness, etc and is part of the psionic system's basis. However, I am all for abandoning the need to expend focus for any class features, that should be the domain of funky feat effects. There's a feat which allows you to store a 'spare' focus in a psicrystal, and there's means and ways for a TK to get one of them, so it's always worth keeping in there, to keep our options open. If we rule that nothing on the TK requires an expenditure of focus, then it's fine to make all the abilities require you remain focused. There are powers, items and effects which can cause a psionic character to lose focus, and these are crucial balance points for a psionic heavy world (like mine) to remain functional and balanced, so keep the focus requirement there, but don't make any class ability expend it either. So sayeth the ranting one!

Far Trick and Disrupting throw have been invaluable to my playtest group, but I've fought lots of intense and intimate battles with the group, partly in fear of what they would do in an outdoor location with lots of space...regardless of my paranoia, Far Trick has had many BFC uses which have helped the group remove key threats VERY efficiently. The Savant (Maker) has missed Far Trick for combat ability, but has been far more useful outside of combat and more recently for his supreme shield use, and feels it's a fair tradeoff, so I'm happy with the balance on these features.

Outside of certain theoretical scenarios which I've run numbers for, I've not got to using Singularity either, but the maths would suggest it's a bit weak for damage potential, but strong for BFC effects, and is situational enough to warrant the occasional moment of 'OMG!' destruction!

OK, this section in Telekinetic Hands half covers the Str score issue, I've added a suggestion to cover this in bold:
If an ability that uses Hands requires a save, it has a DC of 10 + 1/2 class levels + charisma modifier. If they require a physical ability score (such as an opposed strength checks for a trip attempt), use the Telekineticist's Charisma modifier instead. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter the Telekineticist gains a cumulative +2 bonus to any such ability checks. To use his Hands he must be psionically focused, although he does not expend his focus by doing so.
I liked bob's idea on the bonus but think +4 / 5 levels is too much so I halved it. Charisma is easy enough to pump, and honestly a TK needs little else if played right, so the smaller the overall bonus, the better I think. Either way, that bit actually covers your issue DerTollUdo, it was always there! .....except the bit in bold, which isn't there yet......

More feats will be happening won't they.....I tried to give them up, but they just keep coming back....hehehe. I'll look at the Shape Singularity idea again and see if I can crunch something which works...watch this space!

Good to have the trio back in real time again