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Thread: [Nexus] Home 13: Insert Silly Title Here

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: [Nexus] Home 13: Insert Silly Title Here

    Jace's Place

    Is the dragon telling Dante to... let this thing loose? That doesn't seem wise. Then again, he's not the expert. "I... I think it's... coming thrRAAGGHH!!" Dante's eyes glow an ominous red as a fireball launches from Dante's forehead in a random direction. It's a small fireball, it'll probably leave a scorch mark somewhere if left unhindered. The raging force inside Dante, just as quickly as it came to a head, subsides for now. It seems that even if the force is vying for some kind of control, it can only do so for short bursts.
    Last edited by DiscipleofBob; 2013-03-18 at 12:28 PM.