Usabhar could finally relax a little as he arrives back in Sargti, back in the lands he knows and understands best. Yet it is not in his nature to relax; he always believes in the need to be forever battle-ready and calm to face any situation and threat in his way. So upon arrival, he looks directly to Rahja and gives immediate warning to her about his kingdom. "I warn that these halls may lack the... uniqueness other kingdoms have. We are a kind that does not spoil us with luxury, instead surviving on what we are given and making the greatest of it." As an avatar would, Usabhar speaks with the greatest confidence and respect for his kingdom.

He is also not unaware of how the other dwarves look at him now. Their looks of respect and partial terror give mixed feelings to Usabhar. He is a god, a fact that cannot be denied. However he dislikes the idea of him being larger than life even if his abilities back it up. Instead he prefers being a first among equals, a princeps, as one might say. Despite that, the dwarf does not try to change how the dwarves of Sargti think of him and lets them be to their opinion. All he gives in response to each one is a respectful nod to acknowledge their existence and assistance they give to his kingdom.

Usabhar leads Rahja to the highest ring that they may normally reach by foot, then exits outside and points upward to the highest ring where the senate lies. "Most must climb up from here on out. If you can fly aasimar, stay close to the walls. Our defenses are very cautious with anyone who flies." In a strange way, Usabhar speaks to Rahja like he is trying to be somewhat of a mentor, teaching Rahja about his kind and ways. With that, he scales up the mountain once more, this time not waiting long for Rahja to follow. He knows she can easily catch up and pass him, whether by flight or by teleportation. Usabhar however prefers the old-fashioned way of getting around his kingdom.

Nasiri ponders the options Korshim has stated, wondering which might be best to work for this instance. Eventually she smiles cunningly, amused at a possible indication regarding each plan. "Well, they all sound feasible at worst, easily doable at best. But why use one when they all lay out available to us? You can reset your internal clock, delete or corrupt the rogue program, and try and fight it head-on as well. After all, if someone hands out a few weapons or pieces of equipment, why take one when we can have it all without worry that someone else might needs it?"