OK, how about:
The Singularity may be used in one of two ways, attraction or repulsion, but not both ways at once (these are detailed separately below). Regardless of which way this is used, any creature killed by damage from a Singularity is instantly reduced to a fine paste which can only be brought back to life by a True Resurrection, miracle, wish, or other similar effect. Any equipment carried by a pasted target is unharmed.
Says the same thing, just in less words.

Also considering the idea that you can only have 1 Singularity effective at any one time, I can see that being an issue with a pure TK otherwise, and it's something to expand with epic, i.e. feats which allow more than one Singularity at once and such (thinking ahead you see ). What do you think?

I agree with your thinking on the equipment, it was a half-formed idea which will work better as another epic feat (ahhah!)...worry not for now! I'll start posting ideas for epic feats and such over the coming days (when I get time to sit and THINK about them a bit!).

Quote Originally Posted by DerTollUdo View Post
Also, I had asked earlier about your thoughts on if far trick and mental strength opposed str checks should be able to be modified by Hands. Any thoughts on that?
Yes indeed, that took me a little time to ponder, but I would suggest the following edit to the Telekinetic Hands ability to cover bases:

If an ability that uses Hands requires a save, it has a DC of 10 + 1/2 class levels + charisma modifier. If they require a physical ability score (such as an opposed strength check for a trip attempt), use the Charisma modifier instead. You may invest additional Hands in any such ability check to gain a +1 / Hand bonus to the roll. To use his Hands he must be psionically focused, although he does not expend his focus by doing so.