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Thread: Bhaakon's Brinewall Legacy IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Bhaakon's Brinewall Legacy IC

    "Yes, deserve, yes. Dumb enough to believe label instead of eyes. Otyugh gall green, not red. Fall for simple trick, deserve what she got, yes? Yes." The voice continues to move about the walls, now moving along where they meet the floor. "Dumb Megus not beat and burn Skitterfoot where she is now, no. Just ugly pile of bones... what?"

    A wrinkled mockery of a human face peeks out from a fist-sized hole gnawed in the plaster. It's beady black eyes lock on Eirik, and its rat-like incisors chatter together as is sees the Ulfen bard trying to point out its location to the others. "Lies and tricks! Should have known, should have know. Don't believe the tall ones. Never!" It shrieks as it disappears back into the wall.

    DC 12 knowledge (arcana) to ID creature
    The ugly little beast is a ratling, a rodent with the face, hands, and intellect of a human. They're natural affinity for spell casting and ability to use most any scrolls is valuable, but only the most corrupt spell casters will accept the insidious monsters as familiars.

    Haha, no map. Because of the way this encounter works, with your opponent skittering about in the walls, floors, and rafters, a map doesn't work very well.

    Anyone with Detect Magic active can spot the general location of the opponent by his aura and point it out to others, but he still has total concealment from attacks and total cover from attacks that can't pierce through to where he's hiding (ie: spell requiring line of site, physical attacks that can't get through the hardness and HP of the intervening walls or floorboards, which aren't very high given their decrepit state). If you want to make an attack, remember to also roll percentile dice (1-50 misses)

    Eirik is up, then the enemy.

    oh, and Lethos's armor spell is still active
    Last edited by Bhaakon; 2013-03-23 at 06:47 PM.