Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
"Yep! Smart girl." Bright Eyes grinned. "Word of advice: Don't try logging in the Everfree Forest. It doesn't end well."

She took out a torch and lit it up. "No good running around in the dark. Anyway, let's go!"
Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
Camping in the Wasteland

Sparky nodded sharply. "If you feel okay about going for firewood without me, I'll stay here and make sure Steel's not ambushed. If you think I should come along, though, I'd be happy to."
Quote Originally Posted by PurityIcekiller View Post
Bright Eyes laughed. "It's all right. I'll be fine. I may be many things, but I'm not careless. After all, I have survived a pretty long time, and through a few nasty situations too!"

"You stick close to Miss Bright Eyes Mags!"
Steel Creel shouted after them.

"I know I know!" Mags shouted back and continued off with Bright Eyes. As for firewood, there were a lot of spaced out dead trees, plenty of firework to aqcuire without having to too far from the boys.

As for the chosen campsite itself, Steel Creel selected building one next to a large boulder with a flat side, to sorta be protected from one side at least. "Come on Sparky..let's set up camp." He said as he began to unroll some tattered looking bedrolls.

Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post
Southwestern Wasteland of Equestria- Maul Strikes Back

Priming his body, Maul crouched lower and lower until he finally released his stored up energy and sproinged forward like a loosed spring, spear primed to embed itself in the Warrior Bro as Maul lowered his horn in preparation of using it to cut the warrior aswell.
(there's kinda some lack of "continuity" for a lack of a better word since in your last post he was already readying to attack the warrior after he 'killed' 'warrior bro'.....but...whatevs)

There was nothing more warrior bro'ss body would do after getting embedded aside from lie there limping and bleed out.

Tough Stomp continued to fight in that lucky drunken master style and through luck managed to land a kick on his solar plexus. At the same time he was trying to concentrate long enough to level his gun to fire at him.