Anex walks about the bay and sees little more than the sheer amount of damage caused by the firefight with the Covenant Corvette - there were plasma holes that entered on one side of the hangar and left out the other as if shooting through paper. And aside from the headless corpses strewn about, he found little else out of place. He found a few places where the bodies had been gathered together after having been shot or stabbed to death; some were even laser-burned, looking like they had been hit with a Spartan Laser. But it looks like whoever had done this grouped them almost into piles before taking their heads.

Meanwhile, Volsung and Argyle begin piecing together the story of the mystery Spartan. After several minutes of diagnostics and getting his suit's systems back up and running after filling him up with O2, the AIs were able to chat. Apparently, the AI and the Spartan had made the decision to put him into the quasi-cryo sleep because they both knew that it was going to be a while until any possible help arrived. It looks like their gamble paid off. The AI slowly allowed the cold of the space-exposed ship to introduce itself into the suit to lower his body temperature whilst injecting him with a mixture of onboard chemicals within his suit to closely simulate those typically used in cryo. Had he been a normal man... it would undoubtedly have killed him.

Almost fifteen minutes after getting his suit back online and running at optimum levels, he finally started to rouse.