The swarm of rats slowly begins to re-fill the laboratory in the wake of Skitterfoot's admonishment, but Theodore has other ideas. He hacks away with his great sword, slicing and smashing every spot where the carpet of rodents gets too thick. He doesn't kill many rats, at least compared to the swarms total number, but the constant harassment breaks their cohesion and sends the survivors fleeing.

In the entry, Eirik makes another attempt to frighten the ratling into exposing himself. The rumble and creak of an illusory collapse have no effect beyond drawing squeaking laughter...

...which turns to a squeal of terror as the Ulfen skald's spell proves prophetic. Lethos, Kasuka, and particularly Caleban's latest attempts to cut their way to Skitterfoot send the unstable structure over the tipping point into full-on disintegration. Cracks in the plaster form and widen without the coercion of weapon blows, previously square door frames parallelogram noticeably, and rotten rafters fail in a series of wet snaps as each is forced to take on the load of its broken brethren. Old Megus's shack is quite literally falling on your heads.

And so is skitterfoot. The erstwhile familiar looses its footing as the ceiling breaks apart and drops to the floor in the entry, right at the feet of Caleban, Lethos, Kasuka, and Eirik.