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    Bugbear in the Playground
    WitchSlayer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Re: General WoD Discussion #2: Its time to Celebrate!

    As someone whose played an Archmage, Archmages are super limited and you can't just do exploding forever and removing planes because 1. You have to acquire a super special thing to actually cast the spell and 2. Your fellow archmages have to LET you, and if they don't then they **** you over.

    Edit: Also, no, you can't change Arcadia with Fate 6. You have to be rank 8 in an arcanum to mess around with a changeling template. At rank 10 you are basically all powerful but by then you probably ascend to the supernal.
    Last edited by WitchSlayer; 2013-03-31 at 01:34 AM.