Quote Originally Posted by TheCountAlucard View Post
I still posit that the Twilight "vampires" aren't fairies, either; they're clearly the results of alien nanite-based technology.

Insane Ramblings
As for why the aliens would do such a thing, my guess is that they need to generate massively-dense objects, possibly for some sort of black hole project.

You see, the sparklepires drink and drink and drink blood, but never, ever excrete. They don't sweat or vomit or pee or poop or breathe or do anything that would stop them gaining mass as they continue their eternal existence; see, in other vampire media, the blood is consumed by the magic fueling the vampire's unlife to maintain its dark powers or whatever; hey, it's magic. That doesn't happen here.

So logically by the time one gets to the age of a Methuselah from VtR, you have a millions-pound mass confined in a human-sized space. Just think on that for a sec.

Alternatively, the extra mass is done away with in a fashion that seems to break the Law of Conservation of Matter. That's not the only natural law they break, though.

See, the "vampires" are also always ice-cold to the touch, even when logic dictates that if their bodies aren't working to maintain human temperatures, they'd only be at around room temperature. So perhaps the nanites are serving to siphon off heat energy from our planet and beam the energy to the alien home world. I dunno, makes more sense than what Meyer wrote!
I never thought I'd bother with head-canon for that series beyond the typical "a real vampire/hunter/Slayer shows up and offs all of them, especially the Mary Sue and her little abomination." But now I am. This makes so much sense.