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Thread: What am I supposed to do?

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: What am I supposed to do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trekkin View Post
    Well, if there's one thing this campaign has taught me, it's that when everyone says your plan's a bad idea, you've just got to dig in your heels, grit your teeth, and say...

    Yeah, this is probably a bad idea.

    Any form of satire is probably best left alone, I suppose. Would I be right to assume that calmly laying out all the issues we've had with the system, the setting, and how he's run both is also going to be completely unproductive?
    In my opinion calmly stating the issues you had with the system is most certainly something you should do, (probably in writing to minimized communication errors).
    The issues with the setting will not accomplish much since it will be blamed on the CT setting (somewhat justified) or a busy courseload.
    Telling him his DMing style may have made the test a less valid test of the system itself might be relevant.

    EDIT: also a side note to add, he said things would give XP regardless of the player levels, however that rapidly changed now if something was too easy it wasn't really challenging enough to warrant giving XP for it which makes spending XP on skills much harder, and reduces any motivation to actually level up.
    Last edited by llehctim; 2013-04-04 at 04:45 PM.

    This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.

    Horace Walpole