Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
Take it from someone who's dealt with being bullied all his life as well; you gain absolutely -nothing- from sinking to their level.

What's worse, airing your dirty laundry on Facebook only makes you look bad as well. In fact, employers and other influential people -do- make a habit of trying to get into your Facebook now a days to see what kind of person you are. An internet fight certainly doesn't paint a positive picture of you.

And even if that's not an issue, will you really feel better in the end continuing your feud? Let it go. Be the better person and don't let it bother you.
Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
You're aware that this person isn't trying to have a decent talk with you.

You're aware that they're playing games with you.

And then you go ahead and take a turn anyway. And over the internet, no less.

I don't have a facebook, so I don't know how reporting someone works, or even if you can. But unless you can report someone for such activity, the winning move in this game is to accept that it's a game without a victory, and Don't take a turn.

If you have to deal with them in person, it would be a bit harder, but it seems like it's only someone you have to be bothered with online, which should make it easier to avoid. Is it really worth trying to come to a resolution with someone who seems intent on just making fun of you?

Play the Winning Move. Don't take a turn.
Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
"So if it's ugly as a face, why are you so proud of having it as <insert body part she's insecure about here>?"

Like I said, make fun of her. You're not going to get anything rational, so don't respond with anything rational. Treat her like the immature child she is.

It's fun! =D
Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
This is exactly the kind of advice I don't think one should be giving. Given the number of people who have been getting in -real- trouble over stupid things said online, and the fact that he really doesn't get anything out of persisting a fight with someone being irrational, I don't think there's any point in trying to fuel it.

Fight fire with fire, and everyone gets burned.
Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
I assumed leaving the argument entirely wasn't an option. In which case, best recourse is to joke around.
Part of my problem *may* be OCD. I've never been officially diagnosed, but I have a lot of symptoms. And there is also this: