Eniaol introduces the figures standing round him in turn, "These are the dwarves, Auded, Wharendd, Belfi and Golendd. They are my protectors. Given the unfortunate rumours about my people I thought it most prudent to bring them with me." As he introduces them the four unfurl their cloaks and give a curt bow.

Auded has two hand axes at his belt and he is wearing a chain shirt. Wharendd stands with his feet planted wide, the head of a battle axe clearly visible at his fingertips. Of all of them Wharendd looks most ready to pounce despite the thick breastplate he wears. Belfi, the only one without a long beard smiles as she bows. Her chain shirt is tied high on her waist by a thick leather belt. Two throwing axes protrude from it and two more sit high at her shoulders. Golendd shares Wharendd's hungry look but his heavier greataxe stands at his side, head on the ground and haft in the dwarf's right hand. They are dressed for battle, not for dinner.

"Gentlemen, ladies, shall we sit?" Lord Stilt indicates the chairs and moves to sit at the head of the table with the elf on his immediate right. The dwarves make no move to be seated. Eniaol smiles indulgently at his host. As soon as you are seated the servants bring in the soup course, a spicy tomato and lentil soup drizzled with cream and served with sprigs of parsley. Hot bread rolls are delivered with garlic butter as an accompaniment.

One of the dwarves steps forward and snatches a roll, dips it into the soup and tastes it before grunting his approval. The elf nods before reaching for his own bread and starting the meal.

All the halflings begins to eat but it isn't long before the counsellor pipes up, "Calkin, you said you'd explain?" She'd wearing a worried frown and watching the dwarves warily.

"Yes, yes I did. It's simple really. We've all heard these terrible stories about invaders and giants and whatnot but this is just scaremongering. Our friends in the Empire are seeking nothing more than trading partners. I've made a deal that will give Bridge excellent trade revenue for years to come and ensuring our continued autonomy, with some minor changes, we need strong leadership for one. The last part of the deal sits at this very table. I'll allow my good friend, Lord Eniaol to explain."

"I humbly thank you, Lord Stilt. You see upon our arrival some of our property went missing. All we seek is its return and then we may begin to trade with you good people. That property being the indentured servants to the Empire, criminals and such who are contributing to the success of our society by serving their time aboard our vessels of exploration. I understand that the heroes who slew the beast known as Old Claws know where we can find our property. All you must do is tell us where they are and we will retrieve them. Bridge will not need to suffer the presence of thieves and killers in her midst and we will have what is ours returned." He looks at Astrid as he finishes his speech, "That includes you, my dear."

Finally he looks at Graorin, "Also your homeland is by now a member state of the Empire. You must be registered as a citizen and give two years service to it. That is the law that you are bound to obey. You will return with us too and the Isles will be rid of humans interfering with their business. That is as it must be."

The other guests sit in stunned silence for a moment before they start shouting objections.

Let me know where you're sitting relative to the head of the table please.