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Thread: Isles of the Small Folk IC

  1. - Top - End - #515
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Isles of the Small Folk IC

    As the Party and guests take their seats, rtho takes up a standing position, far enough away from the table as to be descreet but close enough that he could react quickly if needed.


    Assuming the PCs sit mostly together, down on side of the table, he would be stood behind them

    All the while he eyes the Dwarves, especially Wharendd and Golendd. Armed, foreign, aggressive looking warriors of an unfamiliar race aren't exactly the people he would like wandering around the place. Especially since they seem to be talking about rounding up slaves as though they're nothing.
    Last edited by Mr.D; 2013-04-05 at 01:46 PM.