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Thread: Characters of the Town (OOC)

  1. - Top - End - #217
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Haughton, LA

    Default Re: Characters of the Town (OOC)

    Name: Josiah McAndrews
    Race: Human with some sort of divine ancestry, see below
    Class: Bard 20/Rogue 5
    Alignment and Temperament: Chaotic Good, Josiah has a love for life and all of it's existences. He is a consummate artist and believes that conflict and strife are complete wastes of time. He spends almost all of his time either partying with people(whether he knows them or not) and doing some form of art. He has been known to be overwhelminly generous.
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Hair: Dark Brown wavy shock of hair flowing down past his jaw
    Eyes: Hazel eyes that shine with life
    Weapons: Josiah despises using violence but when pressed will use either a simple set of magical brass knuckles or daggers placed about his person.

    Backstory: Josiah has spent much of his life studying and working to perfect his art. During his lifetime he has strugled to survive against the forces that push against him, creating a dichotomous mind. He is Bi-Polar and uses his nature to further express his art, which is the first and foremost love of his life. He cares not for conflict or strife in the least and while not a pacifist, will do anything he can to avoid fights. He has recently walked into town from the gods only know where and has bouht a small house which holds his studio. Josiah is also a drug dealer(recreational use only, not an addict) and this supplies most of the money that he uses to furnish all of his needs. He is free spending with his money and believes that what he gives out to people he deem worthy(which doesn't take much. An hour with him at the bar is enough to gain access to his tab for the night) will in some way or another make it back to him. He is interested in everyone and everything and can often be seen as flitting or short attentioned(ADHD, since things like this aren't really diagnosed in this sort of setting) but is very endearing to almost all he meets and talks with. He is convinced that the beauty of life is everywhere and he is determined to experience it all before he dies. He has no intent to "save the world" or any such thing, and is content with simply being whereever he is and cataloguing it in his art. Also, Josiah is a notorious womanizer. While he respects the fairer sex to the utmost, he finds it highly enjoyable to seduce them. It is a game of sorts. And he is good at it. VERY good. ;)In short, Josiah is most likely certifiably crazy, but he channels that insanity into some of the most beautiful artwork(whether it be drawing, painting, writing, singing or practically anything that could be considered artwork.)that can be found in the mortal world. There has been some debate concerning Josiah's heritage. Some knowledgable persons believe that he has a taint of divine in him due to the fact that no matter what Josiah always seems to come out ok, if not ahead, in practically all situations.
    Last edited by The_Paradigm; 2006-11-04 at 08:35 AM.
    Ok, screw this. The world can save itself. I'm only here for the money and fame. And the WOMEN.