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Thread: Kingdom of Ra OOC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Kingdom of Ra IC

    This should all have been in an OOC thread according to standard practice.

    Tor Spiritsbane will speak/think in Navy.

    Tor Greenbow was marked by the Missive late, not displaying his sensitivity to the divine powers until his teens, his home far into the hinterland where government agents where less common. He was discovered shortly after defending the small flock of sheep from a wolf, the wolf that would remain ever in his mind after, speaking in his dreams and teaching him the secrets of drawing power forth from the very land. He was taken by the Missive some months after, a tearful goodbye from his family that never aspired to more than tending the land. His training was unusually brief as he was selected due to his particular talents to accompany the delegation to the wilder elven lands, to monitor unlicensed magic and any subversive activity in that untamed land.

    He learned much from the wild elves, though did not win their respect until the ghost uprising. He served with distinction, winning him honor among the locals (those opposed to the upstart necromancer anyhow) and the notice of his superiors. Now that reports come from the swamplands of unlicensed magic and savage incursions, who better to send?

    Of modest eight and somewhat wiry build, Tor is not an imposing figure. His worn green cloak helps him fade into the wild, his stern reservation helps him fade into a room. He carries a thickly built bow, decorated with fine elven carvings of leaves and vines. Kirik's symbol hangs from his neck, rough hewn from a small flat stone.

    Steady grey hunter's eyes take in all around him, weighing matter carefully before acting. His skin is tanned from long days outdoors, already taking on a rough, leathery quality. his beard is coarse and uneven from being tended only with a hunting knife.

    Tor is grim by disposition, having faced more malevolent spirits in his short service than most ever hear of. He is devoted to the empire, seeing it as the hope of order and peace in a land that could tear itself apart the moment vigilance slips. He accepts that heretics and the monstrous races must be destroyed to maintain this peace, though he takes no pleasure in the task.

    He maintains the standard gripes of all enlisted men throughout history, though he harbors little interest in returning to the family farm. His letters home are infrequent; he neither wants to worry them nor encourage his nephews to follow him into military service and is uncomfortable with the loss and regret that accompany the writing.

    he tells no one of the spirit wolf that visits him, stalking the back of his mind, for fear of straying outside official dogma and regulations.
    Last edited by stack; 2013-04-09 at 07:30 AM.