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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Gender and Sexuality Representation in OOTS

    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    1.) At one point in the past, I did a very short-lived comic for Wizards of the Coast called "Five Foot Steps."
    That comic was great. Why did it ever stop?

    I totally cop to having Smurfetted that one, even if V reads as female to you
    Implying he doesn't read as female to you. Thanks again.

    It could be worse, you are trying to address it. You're not like Stephen Moffat who denies his work is sexist even though every woman in his fictional work follows a reocurring pattern (that all women really want is children and/or the dependance of a man). Also, don't forget many of the greatest works film and literature have many less females than your work. Star Wars. Lawrence of Arabia. Godfather. Batman films. 12 Angry Men. Harry Potter. LOTR. Akira Kurosawa films. Babylon 5 (maybe)?

    And at least your fans aren't accusing you of being racist for killing the dark-skinned OOTS members first.

    Edit: I always assumed Miko was made to be deliberately obnoxious and annoying. She was a LG antagonist first, female second (which was important for Roy's character development).
    Last edited by Sunken Valley; 2013-04-09 at 12:52 PM.