Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
Well, yes, that's why I said ignoring society. What I meant was that I don't there are non-cultural reasons at play for difficulty to emphatize and such.
True, but my point is, that they can't ignore it that easily. If they didn't lie to me about their reactions, then it is at least a conscious effort for them. Not that I plan to accomodate their sensitivities in this area, but I can see why they have difficulties.

Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
And actually portraying queer relationships as nothing out of the ordinary from a young age just like we do with straight relationships would reduce all of that. The awkwardness is only there because it's created after all.
I wholeheartedly agree.

Quote Originally Posted by Themrys View Post
@blauregen: So what? Let them have difficulties with identification.
As a straight woman, I could go "ewww, gay cooties!" every time the narrator describes a woman in sexual terms, or swoons for a woman, or kisses a woman, and so on and so forth.
However, I don't, and I expect the same from men.
You could? I would have said that for most straight people habituation has reduced reactions to heterosexual narration that doesn't meet their preferences, to something close to 'meh?' But okay, thank you for correcting this.