Quote Originally Posted by lio45 View Post
Really, I have a very hard time understanding why some forumers would actually want something as central to the topic at hand be swept under the rug (a.k.a. switched to PM). It's just baffling.
Partly, it comes from the fact that very few of us here actually know the biology well enough to debate it and most of the people who don't know enough also don't know they don't know enough.

There's also the fact that biology surrounding sex has become incredibly politicized and, as I so helpfully demonstrated earlier, discussing it can lead to off-topic political stuff which jeopardizes the thread and our accounts.

But part of it is also just because, as much as I hate to admit it, D&D 3.5 is not half as simulationist as it was intended to be and that game is the foundation for the OotS universe. Humans can successfully interbreed with giant magic lizards and sexless lovecraftian horrors but not dwarves. Even geniuses are unable to identify themselves as a member of their own species without specialist training. And the only physical differences between men and women are on the height/weight table, which doesn't even have the decency to be correlated with Strength.

As to the Mod-Approved Thread idea, I would like to see a response on that though. I like the idea of any discussion where I get to ramble about epigenetics and speculate about neolithic social mores in the same post.