August stood...stunned. The reality of the situation finally pierced his stubborn will. Despite it all, the size of the army, the surprising assault by the golem, the destruction of the wall that he had defended for so many years, he had not, for a moment, admitted defeat. They had their mages, they had the Gates of the Bastion, they had Kolum-Flame-Blasted-Salor. He refused to accept that they would not be able to turn this around.

Now he had to.

Part of his mind told him he should say something. Swear some kind of oath? Maybe turn to those with him and plead for their aid? Void, he'd be dead already were it not for the priest and the monk who had managed to disable the golem.

Nothing particularly eloquent came to mind, and actions spoke louder in any case. Without a word, he took the platinum sphere. He was curious what it was, why it mattered, but he didn't ask. If it was need-to-know, he figured, they'd let him know.

Another shock came when Kolum Salor chose to remain behind. He was so surprise that he let out a sort of strangled "G-what?" It seemed insane, that so mighty a warrior would stay here, while this sphere was entrusted to a mere guardsman.

But that appeared to be the situation. With nothing more to do for it, he walked over to the Aaran, awaiting instructions.