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Thread: [FWM] OOC 4: Enchanted Manticore

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FWM] OOC 4: Enchanted Manticore

    OBJECTION! Dark! Not evil! Light! Not good-

    Mr. Icekiller, calm yourself. This is a petty thing to get angry about.

    ...Right. Well, I still object to the whole "dark is evil and light is good" thing. It could be negative and positive emotions, but that still doesn't equal "good" or "evil". Take, for instance...

    Blueshield: Full of negative emotions, cynical, and constantly irritated with the world around her. Nonetheless, clearly Lawful Good and definitely better than most of my other characters.

    Blades: Cheery, lively, and quite full of positive emotions. Also a murderous psycho from time to time. By no means a good pony.

    Night Jewel: Aligned with darkness, but still full of positive emotions. Definitely Chaotic, and probably Good; her moral standards are strange, but they exist and are consistent.

    Meanwhile I've got an idea for how Night Jewel could overcome its defences, but I have a question. How resistant is it to natural (not magical) extreme temperatures, lightning, or other such things? If I knew this, I could concoct something for Blueshield.
    Last edited by PurityIcekiller; 2013-04-13 at 05:27 PM.
    When in doubt, use cute little dragons.

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