Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
My memory played me false it was 80 not 85. Still point stands.

Chapter 108 is the relevant reference. The two conditions were "over 80" and "stone statues" may not pass. Though I suppose Natsu could be a stone statue.

Yeah no. There's no proof I'm not writing this post by secretly transmitting FTL from Alpha Centauri. And covering it so it looks like normal use of the internet of course. That sort of claim is unfalsifiable, and it works however you want it to work. Most people seem to prefer verifiable claims of evidence of something.

The entire arc was driven by Freed's word rule barriers with display of their conditions, trying (and broadly failing) to get around them not figure out hidden rules. More to the point if that's all there was too it then why they heck bother to hide it?

Which is why it has to be explained not why its wrong. Its a point that demands explanation of both cases as facts, not dismissal of one or the other.

Plenty of ways to make biological age differ from absolute age. Suspended animation for example would be the low hanging fruit here. Or time travel (not like we haven't seen that or nothing) depending on how Freed's magic decides these things. There's something inhibiting aging for awhile.

Natsu clearly doesn't know and we don't know about his time with Igneel in any detail unless I'm forgetting a whole major flashback somewhere. Until we do we don't have enough of a basis to find rule anything a contradiction and therefore need to explain both.

Which is possible given that DS magic seems to function by taking aspects of a dragon into yourself. Some kind of age carry over or hidden possession is more then possible, but not the only possibility.

You sound like your about ready to nerdraaaaege if Natsu really is an old man though.
First off, tone down the condescension a little there, buddy.

Second, I don't have any particular attachment to his age. What I have an issue with is you stating that he is 80 years old, as if it is fact. It is not. It is one theory.

Finally, you haven't actually shown any evidence at all that he IS over 80, other than the barrier, and then propose theories that contradict your own statement (namely time travel and suspended animation).

What we know is that he appears to age normally, and a barrier that was intended to reject people over 80 rejected both him AND Gajeel.