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    Titan in the Playground
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    The Great PNW

    Default Re: From Across the Multiverse to Barovia: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (IC)

    Urik nods and turns away, making a steady march to the south with Huginn flitting ahead with a croak.

    The day is gray, as seems usual for Barovia, but the mist is less pronounced. When you reach the crossroads, nothing seems quite so gloomy and no shades appear. It seems as though the clearer skies has banished them.

    Some hour or so after taking the eastern fork in the road, while T'riss stalks a wild goat she spotted on a rocky outcropping, Ashlyn frowns as though considering something that bothers her. After several minutes, she breaks her silence. "Master August," she asks, "what didst thou mean by invoking a blessing from shadows upon Sir Urik? To my church, and to the people of Barovia, meseems, shadow is an enemy that cloaketh danger and giveth succor to evil."

    "Please speak with your lips, girl," the giantess replies. "Too many things that would speak directly to the mind are dark things, and I would like to know that you are as human as you seem. Do you have a name, or do I merely call you by your card?" She still does not look up from her cards. A knight bearing a sword, covering the hermit. A queen with a star, covering the charioteer. Seven shillelagh, covering justice.
    Last edited by Jeff the Green; 2013-04-15 at 01:06 AM.
    Author of The Auspician's Handbook and The Tempestarian's Handbook for Spheres of Power.
    Ask me (or the other authors) anything.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lateral View Post
    Well, of course I'm paranoid about everything. Hell, with Jeff as DM, I'd be paranoid even if we were playing a game set in The Magic Kiddie Funland of Perfectly Flat Planes and Sugar Plums.
    Greenman by Bradakhan/Spring Greenman by Comissar/Autumn Greenman by Sgt. Pepper/Winter Greenman by gurgleflep