[Mortal World]
(Mortal World)

Kenzan says nothing, but studies the map carefully, trying to pick out any more blue or red dots. Obviously yellow dots litter the city.

(Abandoned Inner City Building)

The suite door leads to an old dance studio. The place is in decent condition, despite not being used for years. Mirrors line the room, and there is another door in the back that leads either to an office or a utility closet or something. The second door is slightly ajar.


"Don't call her that," Miko responds quietly, but defensively. "Her name is Cutie Pie."

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

Kiba was a little surprised to find his tracking led him to the monastery. He Shunpo'd to the entrance but walked inside normally. The Medical Division was one place where Kiba actually bothered to respect the grounds and to not cause any disrespect. He'd been patched up too many times here. He finds both captains in their meeting. "Captain Li. Captain Tsukino," he greets gruffly, but respectfully.

[Hueco Mundo]
(The Arena)

Karasu is caught and beaten. He can't attack again without the Espada delivering the finishing blow. The enigmatic arrrancar obviously can't speak, nor can he nod with a blade to his throat, but Karasu's eyes relax into submission, a nonverbal committal to Azmus.