Thank you for the answers, Giant, though I would like some clarification on one of them (as I disagree).

Quote Originally Posted by Ske View Post
- If you drop down to no health and start fleeing, but is forced to miss your next turn (for example, if the fight was in the restroom), What is the procedure? My guess is, that you drop a loot, flee three rooms, end turn, drop a loot, end turn, [drop a loot, flee three rooms, end turn] (repeat stuff in brackets until at dungeon entrance).
Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
Well, the issue here isn't the missing-a-turn-while fleeing, it's the use of the Restroom. According to the rules on "Missing a Turn", when something causes you to miss a turn, you put your character on its side IMMEDIATELY. That means that when you reveal the restroom, you don't fight any Monsters in it. And only the first character to reveal the restroom misses a turn. So really, the situation you are describing cannot occur.

Now, if you miss a turn because the Monster has Paralyze, then you are basically frozen in place. You drop the Loot, put your character on its side, and end your turn. On the next turn, you stand your character up, drop a Loot, and end your turn. On the third turn, you drop a Loot and move 3 spaces. You never move 3 spaces on a turn in which your character begins or ends on its side.
The restroom doesn't work like that. It causes you to miss a turn _after_ fighting monsters (Quote: "The first player to enter this room loses a turn - after battling any Monsters."), which is what makes it somewhat confusing. Based on your answer, I'd say it would go like this:
1 - Enter restroom, fight-lose-die, drop loot, lay character on the side.
2 - Drop loot, stand character.
3 - Drop loot (third in the same room now), move three rooms.
4 - Drop loot, move three rooms.
5 - Repeat 4 until arriving at dungeon entrance.

Your answer raises another question though. After resting, do you miss the turn in which you unflip shticks as well? Is this right:
1 - Player choses to rest before doing anything else, lays character down.
2 - Unflips shticks, heals a wound and stands character up.
3 - Player can now do whatever.
Or in a different wording, does resting cause you to do nothing else (moving or battling) for two turns? The rules aren't very clear on whether or not your turn ends after unflipping shticks.

Thanks in advance.