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    Ettin in the Playground
    AgentPaper's Avatar

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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: MitD VI: The Undiscovered Creature (Please Read the First Post)

    I'm not sure how him being a psion of some sort is any different than the theory that he's, say, a sorcerer that's using normal spells without realizing it. It still falls into the "monster with class levels" category, at which point it may as well just be a level 21 human sorcerer casting stuff like shapechange, teleport, wish, etc.

    MitD using psionic powers is already an accepted theory, as evidenced by the inclusion of Neothelid in the FBS list.
    Last edited by AgentPaper; 2013-04-18 at 04:29 PM.
    Excellent avatar by Elder Tsofu.