The Varrim Guard

To the 2nd Legion
It is my duty to report that the Varrim Guard, and Kreen Guard have come under attack by a combined assault from undesirables in Kreen, falling upon our men.

We have reached a bloody stalemate, and as Commander of the Varrim Guard, and acting Commander of the Kreen Guard, I must request any reinforcement that can be spared.

Without support, we may lose the city.

Commander of the Varrim Guard

To the Solidarity Movement

As you are no doubt aware, events in Kreen are moving fast, and the Dastin Revolutionary Front is threatening to seize the city. I know of your cause, the re-assimilation of Dastin, and the restoration of Serillian glory.

If the DRF are allowed victory, they will rip out yet another piece of Serillia, and the star of Serillia will dim further.

Will you allow this to happen?

Ælle, Commander of the Varrim Guard

To the Silver Legion

I have read much of your factions exploits in the south. I write now, as Commander of the Varrim Guard, to request your aid. Rebels and dissidents are now so bold as to attack in broad daylight, and I fear for the people of Kreen, with Serillia in the state it currently is in.

In return for your support, I am able to provide compensation in any form you would prefer, of an amount to be negotiated.

Ælle, Commander of the Varrim Guard, Acting Commander of the Kreen Guard